Gum Treatment
Gum treatment involves a series of procedures aimed at addressing gum health issues. Gum treatment includes the treatment of gum inflammation (gingivitis) or gum disease (periodontitis).
Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that causes symptoms such as redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. If detected early, gum treatment can be as simple as changing oral hygiene habits and correcting brushing techniques.
However, when gum disease progresses, it can cause more serious problems such as gum inflammation, formation of gum pockets, and bone loss. In these cases, gum treatment may be more comprehensive.
Gum treatment can include different methods depending on the severity of the gum disease and other factors. These treatments can include changing oral hygiene habits, cleaning of tartar, antibiotic treatment, cleaning of gum pockets, periodontal surgery, and bone grafting.
Gum treatment is important in addressing gum health issues. If left untreated, gum diseases can lead to tooth loss and more serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to gum health, prevent gum diseases, and have regular dental check-ups for early detection